Thursday, 17 April 2014

Mystical, Magical Crystal Ball Art Piece by Daniel Grant Newton using the Moon as the Crystal Ball

Hey hey it's Thursday.  I hope you've been having an awesome week.  Anyway, new art I'd like to share with you my dear friend.  

I used the other night's spectacular full moon and two sketches I had created earlier to make the following picture in photoshop.  Another crystal ball piece not unlike this one I did earlier.

Crystal Ball picture by Daniel Grant Newton.  The ball is actually a photo of the moon.

I'm thinking using real photos and drawings like this one to make a whole series of art pieces.  Could be fun.  What do you think?  If you like this one, put a comment in the comment section below :-)


  1. Looks great Dan. You could use one of those photos from the lunar eclipse the other night. When can we buy prints of your work?

  2. Hahaha thanks, Anabel. I'll see what I can do. As for the prints, I'm creating a website for my company DGN Productions right now where you can buy prints, original paintings, books, comics, etc. I'm super duper excited about it, so I'll let you and my blog friends when it is launching so you can be the first ones to see it! :-)


Your comments are always appreciated!